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Made to Measure
Thank you for ordering a made to measure Suit from The Holy! We need to make sure we get it right for you, so you must double check your measurements. This will involve going through the form and typing in your measurements. When you have finished it is essential that you start at the beginning of the form and take all the measurements again as we are sure that you will change some of them on the second time. Please take the measurements with any clothing on that you are going to wear underneath, i.e Fleece. If not then just wear t-shirt and shorts. If you wear a back protector do not measure with this on as we will make the adjustment for it. If you have any special requirements please note them in the comments section at the bottom of the form and all measurements must be taken in centimetres.
Made to Measure - Size Form
Customer Information:
Name: *
Address: *
Post Code:
Country: *
Phone No.:
Email: *
Order Information:
Order No.: *
Product Name : *
Embroidery text on Product:    
If yes
Embroidery text on Product:  
Location of Embroidery Text:
Your Height in cm: 
Your weight in Kgs: 
1 - Back Length
Measure from the bone at the top of your spine (base of your neck) to your waist belt line. This is where the lower collar and bottom of the stretch panel will be made.
2 - Waist to Crotch Back
Measure from your waist belt line to the centre point between your legs
3 - Neck to Crotch back
Measure from the bone on your spine at the base of your neck to the centre point between your legs. Please stand straight

Measurements 1+2 should add up to this measurement, please do not proceed until they do
4 - Cross Shoulders
Measure from the centre tip of one shoulder, across the top of your back to the centre of the tip of your other shoulder. Please relax your shoulders
5 - Shoulder Slope
Measure from the base of one shoulder slope to the tip of your same shoulder. Please relax your shoulders
6 - Chest
Measure all the way around your chest, across your back, underneath your armpits and over the nipples at the widest point. Take the measurement when breathing in.
7 - Waist
Measure all the way around your waist at the widest point. Take the measurement while breathing out.
8 - Shoulder to Elbow
Measure from the tip of your shoulder to the tip of your elbow on one arm. Keep your arm bent at 90 degrees.
9 - Biceps
Measure all the way around the top of your arm or your bicep when tensed.
10 - Forearm/elbow
Place the tape measure all the way around your Elbow, then bend your elbow upwards so that your hand is touching your shoulder, or as close as you can get to it, and take the measurement
11 - Wrist to Elbow
Find the bone on your wrist that sticks out or Feels like a ball on the outside of the wrist. Now Go 2cm back from that bone up towards the forearm Measure from this point to the tip of your elbow
12 - Wrist
Measure all the way around your wrist
13 - Collar
Measure loosely all the way around the bottom of your neck as low as you can go Where the neck meets the shoulders.
14 - Outside Leg
Measure from the top of your hip/pelvis bone (usually just below your navel line) to your ankle, just above the ball ankle bone please stand straight
15 - Inside Leg
Measure from the inside of your groin as high as you can to the same point on your ankle as your outside leg on the other side Measurements 16+19 should add up to this measurement
16 - Crotch to Knee
Measure from the top of the inside of your Crotch to the centre of your kneecap, keep your knee slightly bent.
17 - Neck to Neck
Measure from the indent at the bottom of your neck at the front, down through your legs and up your back to the bone at the base of your neck and top of your spine. Make sure you stand straight and this is not too tight around the groin but so that you can feel it there
18 - Waist to Knee
Measure from the top of your hip bone Usually Just above your trousers/pants (waist belt line) to the centre of your knee cap Please stand straight
19 - Knee to Ankle
Measure from the centre of your knee cap to your ankle (same point as outside and inside leg)
Measurements 18 + 19 should add up to 14 outside leg figure, if they do not, please re-measure
20 - Upper Thigh
Measure all the way around the top of your thigh at the highest point
21 - Lower Thigh
Measure all the way around the lower part of your thigh. About 5 inches up from the centre of your kneecap
22 - Knee
Measure loosely all the way around your knee While bent
23 - Calf
Measure loosely all the way around your Calf at the widest point
24 - Ankle
Measure loosely all the way around your ankle
25 - Seat
Measure all the way around your backside at the widest point (around the front to back)
Comments / Special Instructions:
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leather Pant Jean
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Alive Classic Strap Pant Custom
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Alive Lady Leather Jacket
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Alive Snak Pant
Iron Steel Grey Long Jacket
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Alive Gravity Jacket
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Motorbike Alive Racing Gloves (WHITE)
Motorbike Alive Racing Gloves (YELLOW)
Motorbike Alive Racing Gloves (GREEN)
Touring Gloves
Motorbike Alive Racing Gloves (BLACK)
Motorbike Alive Racing Gloves (RED)
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Motorbike Alive Racing Gloves (BLUE)
Protection Jacket
Knee Protectors
Back Protector

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Leather Suits, Leather Jackets, Leather Pant, Leather Chaps, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots, Motorcycle Suit, Motorcycle Jackets, Motorcycle Pant, Motorcycle Gloves, Motorcycle Boots, Motorbike Suits, Motorbike Jacket, Motorbike Pant, Motorbike Boots, Textile Jacket, Textile Pant, Textile Suits, (Cordura), MX Cross Shirts, MX Cross Pant, MX Cross Jackets, MX Cross Trousers, Touring Gloves, Touring Boots, Helmets, Wind seal wear, Denim Motorbike Jackets, Denim Motorbike Pant, Denim Motorbike Suits, Kid Motorbike wear, Rain Wear, Body Armours, Cycle wears, Casual weara, Made to Measure

The Holy International has been engaged manufacturering business last one decade. We have evolved from being a small company that is now considered one of greatest Motorbike Leather / Textile-supplier and this has resulted in huge sales all over World. In our products you can found almost all kinds of Motorbike related products at high quality which can be comapre any brand in the world. We have often asked why we are so cheap and the answer has always been that it should not cost more. We offer wholesale prices to individuals with minimam profit margins. The concept is to offer the best products at the lowest prices has paid off and this is precisely why we are one of the greatest Motorbike Leather / Textile Gear suppliers in Worldwide.

"Bringing Holy in Your Life"